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VIS-À-VIS | 2012 (Pró-Posição Group)


"VIS-À-VIS" is a French expression meaning face to face. Third work out of the partnership between Andréia Nhur and Janice Vieira, "Vis-à-Vis" continues the proposal of reactivating the company Pró-Posição (1973-1983). Produced between France (2011) and Brazil (2012), the work relies on the collaboration of the French researcher Isabelle Launay (Université de Paris 8; Centre National de Danse Contemporaine d’Angers).In this creation, both dancers and emergent from distinct cultural and political contexts, mother and daughter crash their memories and perspectives of art. The mother has earnestly lived and danced the 60s and 70s in Brazil; the daughter was born in the 80s when radical combat left the scene, making way for radical-chic. The conversations which arise from that put not only the two bodies of different ages and movements face to face, but also their ideologies, dreams and actions.


Creation and Interpretation: Andréia Nhur and Janice Vieira


Collaboration: Isabelle Launay (France)


Music Creation: Janice Vieira


Lighting: Roberto Gill Camargo


Production: Paola Bertolini


Press: Lu Cassas & Lica Nielsen


Photography: Inês Correa


Duration: 45min


Pró-Posição Company

Programa de Ação Cultural (Cultural Action Program) – ProAC-04 and ProAC 05 (assembly and tour of dance show 2011/2012) - State Secretary of Culture


2016: Itaú Cultural

2014: Dança na Pedreira Festival (Votorantim-SP); Tenda Cultural (USP-SP); Virada Cultural Paulista (Piracicaba e Bauru-SP) and National Workshop of Contemporary Dance of Bahia (Sesc Pelourinho).

2013:  Conexões Project (Funarte Room); Sorocaba em Cena (SESI Sorocaba); Semanas da Dança (São Paulo Cultural Centre-CCSP), SESC Araraquara and SESC Santo Amaro (Modos de Existir)

2012: artistic residence with Isabelle Launay; preopening in Sérgio Cardoso Theatre (III Plataforma Estado da Dança); Deguste Tugudum Expo (Campinas-SP); Dance Summits (TUCARENA-São Paulo); Season in the Project Interlocuções Poéticas (Renée Gumiel Room - Funarte-SP); São Bernardo do Campo Scenic Arts Centre; SESC Sorocaba


Governador do Estado Award 2013



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