LINEAGES | 2009 (Pró-Posição Group)
In this workpiece, both dancers, mother and daughter exchange experiences and crash stories of their bodies. The title is a double reference to the cultural lineages and the biological gene that unite mother and daughter. From the analogy of the body gene, the cultural gene is approached, that which leads a piece of information from one generation to the other and modifies it until new meanings arise. The "swan" is the metaphor that carries the time play proposed by the bodies. In the 50s, the mother (Janice Vieira) received a transcription of The dying swan by Michel Fokine, through her Russian teacher Maria Olenewa (who had learned the choreography from Ana Pavlova in the early 20th century). In the 70s, Janice Vieira takes ownership of Fokine's swan movement, combines it with a Charleston step and proposes a sliding dance, with feet on the ground. In LinhaGens (Lineages), the daughter (Andréia Nhur) tries to decipher the choreography's transcript and dances a swan with backslide steps.
Creation and Performance: Andréia Nhur and Janice Vieira
Pró-Posição Company
Programa de Ação Cultural (Cultural Action Program) – ProAC-04 and ProAC 05 (assembly and tour of dance show 2009/2010) - State Secretary of Culture
2009: 14º Recife International Dance Festival; Plataforma Estado da Dança (Itália Theatre- São Paulo), II Mostra (In) Dependente de Dança? Expo (Espaço Kasulo – São Paulo) and tour around São Paulo's countryside (Sorocaba, Itapetininga, Salto and Votorantim).
2010: Season in Olido Gallery (São Paulo); Season in Viga Espaço Cênico (São Paulo); Triângulo International Dance Festival; Joinville Dance Festival's Contemporary Expo ; FEIA XI (Unicamp-Campinas) and FETESP(Tatuí-SP)
2011: Semanas de Dança-Públicos, in São Paulo Cultural Centre
2012: SESI Sorocaba
2016: Itaú Cultural